Thursday, 21 February 2013

Energy Project Group Winners

Congratulations to Luisne, Ailbhe and Michael who were our winning project group. They gave a great report on static electricity and even visited Miss McMahon's class to teach them all about what they had learnt.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Energy Model Making Winners

Congratulations to Killian and Alice our model making project winners. Killian made a wind mill out of a combination of wood which even moves with the wind! Alice created a hydro dam using plaster paris and labelled the different areas. Super work guys you can check out the rest of the models in the children's kidblog.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Energy Powerpoint Winner

Congratulations to Bryan on his brilliant presentation of his powerpoint on solar energy. Very well presented Bryan and well researched facts. Have a look at Bryan's powerpoint! You will find more great presentations in the children's kidblogs.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Static Electricity

Take a look at these experiments we did in class to show how static electricity can cause objects and water to move.

Pablo Picasso

We have been learning more about the famous artist Pablo Picasso. Have a look at our paintings below from last week which we painted based on the rose period of Picasso's work. We mixed red and white and painted different tinges of this colour. To add contrast we added some blue! Check out the cool website linked below to create some interesting digital art.